To join Coffee Days, please go to our Join Now page.

On this page, you can:

Change your address details
Update your delivery instructions
Change your grind preference or membership type/quantity
Provide new credit card details
Prepay your account
Re-order your favourite coffee
Suspend your membership
Cancel your membership
Provide feedback

Please enter the following details:

Please select one:

Membership Number:

or Full name and Delivery Address:
Email address:

Change your address details
Update your delivery instructions
Change your grind preference or membership type/quantity
Provide new credit card details

Please enter your new details here and then click submit:

• Prepay your account

Please enter the amount you wish to prepay and your credit card details (including name on card, card number and expiry date) here and then click submit:

• Re-order your favourite coffee

Please specify the coffee, quantity and grind preference, along with your credit card details and then click submit:

• Suspend your membership

Please specify how long you want your membership suspended and then click submit:

• Cancel your membership

Please let us know the reason you want to cancel your membership and then click submit:

• Provide feedback

Please give us your thoughts here and then click submit – and thank you, we love to hear from our Members!